About me

I live and work as a freelance artist in Marburg, Hesse. My art evolved into concrete and later into constructive - concrete minimal expression.

I am using white clay as a material. The artefacts are fired, then sanded and left unglazed. The white color of the clay supports the clear forms of my sculptures.

As a constant form I chose the lentoid, a kind of biconvex lens. My art pieces are constructed from individual lentoids and their groups on rectangular supports. 

I am a member of the professional association of visual artists BBK (the Berufsverband Bildender Künstler) in Germany.

Short biography and exhibitions:

1943 born in Hronec, Slovakia
1962 - 1970 studies of biology, diploma and doctorate in Bratislava
Focus: ceramic objects; outside made of painted aluminum or sandstone
Since 1997 regular exhibitions including:

Kunstverein, Marburg
Museum Modern Art, Hünfeld
Frauen Museum, Bonn
Die Junge Akademie, Berlin
Stadtmuseum Kassel
Museum Stadt Bad Hersfeld
Forum Konkrete Kunst, Erfurt
Kunstpavillon, Eisenach
Kulturbahnhof, Kassel 2022: Trailer and Introduction
documenta-Halle Kassel 2023: 75th anniversary BBK Kassel

Outdoor work, including Kunststraße Rhön
My lay card game
: Card and cube #1

Contact:      hanahasilik@yahoo.de

On my sculptures

Hana Hasilik
In constantly new structures and combinations, Hana Hasilik explores the artistic potential of a basic geometric element, the biconvex lentoid, realizing not only rows but also stable and pseudo-stable states between standing and lying, between supports and falls. Hana Hasilik's sculptures, although static, evoke the suggestion of a movement captured in sequential snapshots, as it were as a plastic analogy to the series photographs, by means of which Eadweard Muybridge first captured movement sequences as such in the 19th century. 
       Reinhard Buskies, curator
       STRUKTUR.WANDEL. Form als Prozess
       Erfurt, Kassel und Eisenach, 2010

Hana Hasilik's lentoids
The symmetrical biconvex lentoid is a natural shape, one of basic shapes of life with the ability to unfold and grow, to pass information. It is a means of creating real and virtual images of our macro- and micro-cosmos. In their multiplicity and in multitude of their assemblies the lentoids represent flexibility and changeability of interpersonal or social relationships and structures with the ever varied position of individuum being a challenge in the activity and creativity of an artist.
      Eckhart Buddecke, Münster, 2001

On lentoids


In pre-classics Greece the form of a lentoid has been used in making impression seals. A remarkable example of a Minoan lentoid seal from Crete shown here is decorated with rectangular and slanted lines. The meaning of its decoration is not known. The graphic design of the cardandcube #1 card, however, is reminiscent of the pattern engraved on this lentoid stamp millennia ago:

Late minoan lentoid seal. Blue glas, 1.3 x 1.3 x 0.65 cm (accession number AN1896-1908.AE.1239.c, © Ashmolean museum, University of Oxford) *. 

In Metropolitan Museum on display there is a lentoid flask inscribed for a priest:

Lentoid bottle ("New Year´s Bottle") inscribed for Amenophis, son of the priest and administer of palaces Iufaa. Late Period, 664–525 B.C., 18 cm diameter, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fifth Avenue, Gallery 127

* Thanks are due to Ashmolean museum, Oxford, and Dr. Ingo Pini, Marburg, for permissions to reproduce the photographs.



In geometry, the lentoid can be constructed from two spherical caps and be visualized as the intersection of two spheres:

Video: Geoff Hodbod, 3D-imaging

Music: Fryderyk Chopin, Fantaisie - Impromptu, Op. 66, performed by Frank Levy (Musopen)


"Focusing on the concrete" by Reinhard Buskies, Kunstverein Bochum

Abstract constructions, a galery:

column III, 1997
white clay, fired, unglazed, 29 x 29 x 100 cm

Edge and front views of a lentoid 
Catalogue "Hana Hasilik Lentoids", the cover, 2024.

The raw material of lentoids is the Westerwald white clay doped with fireclay. The lentoids are constructed as hollow bodies from two parts of. They may have different sizes, however, their shape is constant with a characteristic ratio of thickness to diameter. Pleasing to the eye and the hand.

After burning, the surface is coarsely polished with sand paper and waxed. In a variety of arrangements - flat, diagonal or vertical - the pieces are attached to supports made of the same clay. Of interest is the interplay of the shapes, light and reflections.

Triad, 1999
white clay, fired, unglazed, 22 x 22 x 26 cm

Formation 4x4
white clay, fired, unglazed, 30 x 30 x 8 cm

In row and link
white clay, fired, unglazed, 43 x 28 x 8 cm

Without title
white clay, fired, unglazed, 37 x 12 x 10 cm


Dare a new beginning
white clay, fired, unglazed, 34 x 34 x 15 cm


white clay, fired, unglazed, 22 x 22 x 15 cm

Video a virtual model (built in Blender)


The new society
white clay, fired, unglazed, 45 x 45 x 7 cm

Line, a grid sculpture
white clay, fired, unglazed, 140 x 140 x 8 cm

Diagonal, a grid sculpture
white clay, fired, unglazed, 140 x 140 x 8 cm

white clay, fired, unglazed, 24 x 12 x 10 cm

white clay, fired, unglazed, 45 x 28 x 24 cm

2 x 3
white clay, fired, unglazed, 25 x 25 x 10 cm

Free yourself

white clay, fired, unglazed, 48 x 28 x 12 cm

white clay, fired, unglazed, 51 x 25 x 24 cm

without title
white clay, fired, unglazed, 27 x 28 x 13 cm

Plastic pictures

3 + 1
white clay, fired, unglazed, 36 x 36 x 12 cm


Square I
white clay, fired, unglazed, 64 x 64 x 8 cm


Square II
white clay, fired, unglazed, 48 x 48 x 8 cm


Composition triangle I
white clay, fired, unglazed, 52 x 52 x 6 cm


Composition triangle II
white clay, fired, unglazed, 52 x 52 x 6 cm

3D print

All in One, 2017
3D print SLS nylon, 10 x 10 x 11 cm


Three views

Outdoor sculpture

lacquered aluminum, 235 x 100 x 100 cm, Skulpturengarten Museum Modern Art, Hünfeld


Sculptures from sandstone and plaster

In the Wind, 2002, Gisselberg red Sandstone, H=27 cm


Joy, 2002, Gisselberg red sandstone,  H=42 cm


Triad, 2002, Gisselberg red sandstone, H=62 cm


Sediment I, 1998, plaster, 16 x 14 x 12 cm

Sediment II, 1998, plaster, 10 x 6 x 10 cm